See our full calendar of upcoming events!

MCJC Second Night Community Passover Seder
MCJC Second Night Community Passover Seder
Led by Rabbi Gordon
Sunday, April 13,
5:30 pm
Cost: $10/person & Children 12 and above; $25/family.
Please RSVP by April 2nd, 2025 To: by filling out this form or email Or call 815 455-1810
(An early RSVP allows us to gauge how much food to prepare)

Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Monday, April 14
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Volunteers need to arrive at the drive-thru food pantry by 3:00 pm. The pantry is open from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm and is located in the parking lot across from Woodstock High School on South Street (501 W. South Street, Woodstock).For more information you can reach Bruce Weiss at

MCJC Book Club
We Would Never by Tova Mirvis
THURSDAY, June 5, 7:00 PM ON ZOOM and In Person
When Hailey Gelman becomes a suspect in her ex-husband's murder following a bitter custody battle, her tight-knit Jewish family must confront their own dark loyalties and the lengths they will go to protect each other.
Here is the Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 817 4346 0356
Passcode: mcjc861

Thursday, March 13, 6:30 pm.
Festivities will include our annual Megillah reading, our creative skit, several new songs, and Goldschlager, Hot Dogs, and Hamantashen. Please RSVP with your choice of hotdog or vegan hotdog to

Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Monday, March 10
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Volunteers need to arrive at the drive-thru food pantry by 3:00 pm. The pantry is open from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm and is located in the parking lot across from Woodstock High School on South Street (501 W. South Street, Woodstock).For more information you can reach Bruce Weiss at
December volunteers Muriel Pick, Lou Dolmon, Linda & Jerry Trachsler, and Paula Eskoz.

MCJC Book Club
Your Presence Is Mandatory by Sasha Vasilyuk
In 2007 Ukraine, after Yefim Shulman, beloved husband, grandfather and World War II veteran, passes away, his widow Nina finds a letter to the KGB in his briefcase that reveals his lifelong secret, which forces them to reassess the man they thought they knew and the country he defended.
Here is the Zoom link for both discussions:
Meeting ID: 817 4346 0356
Passcode: mcjc8617
The Book Club will continue in May 2025 with an in-person discussion.
Participants are encouraged to make a minimum annual donation of $50 to help support the Book Club. Go to to donate. Indicate in the “additional information” box indicate that your contribution is for the MCJC Book Club.

Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Monday, February 10
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Volunteers need to arrive at the drive-thru food pantry by 3:00 pm. The pantry is open from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm and is located in the parking lot across from Woodstock High School on South Street (501 W. South Street, Woodstock). For more information you can reach Bruce Weiss at

MCJC Book Club
Songs for the Brokenhearted by Ayelet Tsabari
In 1995, a young Israeli-American returns to Israel for her mother’s funeral and finds herself on an unexpected path that leads to shocking truths about her Yemini family, forcing her to question everything she thought she knew about her parents, her heritage and her own future.
Here is the Zoom link for both discussions:
Meeting ID: 817 4346 0356
Passcode: mcjc8617
The Book Club will continue in May 2025 with an in-person discussion.
Participants are encouraged to make a minimum annual donation of $50 to help support the Book Club. Go to to donate. Indicate in the “additional information” box indicate that your contribution is for the MCJC Book Club.

Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Woodstock Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Monday, January 13
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Volunteers need to arrive at the drive-thru food pantry by 3:00 pm. The pantry is open from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm and is located in the parking lot across from Woodstock High School on South Street (501 W. South Street, Woodstock).For more information you can reach Bruce Weiss at
December volunteers Muriel Pick, Lou Dolmon, Linda & Jerry Trachsler, and Paula Eskoz.

New Year's Eve Party with TOL
Celebrate New Year’s Eve at Tree of Life UUC! On December 31, 2024, we gather for a night of music and games before we ring in the New Year. The event starts at 4:00 pm, with a "midnight" ball drop at 6 pm (London time), and closes at 6:30 pm. This year's theme is "Decades." We encourage you to dress from your favorite decade! Bring a small bite appetizer or dessert to share. We will have punch and sparkling apple juice. Wine, champagne, and beer will be available at the bar (for a cash donation). Children are welcome, although no childcare will be provided. Have a neon fanny pack, boombox, or mirrorball in the basement? How about a strand of fake pearls, a pink scarf from the 50s, or a toy cigar? Nostalgic items wanted on loan to decorate our event. Contact Lora Cantele or Beth Hoover if you have anything to share. PLEASE RSVP for this event by emailing
What we need from you:
RSVP for the event
sign up to bring a food item
sign up to be contacted if they have a nostalgic item to share as a prop/decoration
volunteers for clean up

Chanukah Party
MCJC Chanukah Party for all Ages
Please join us on Sunday, December 29, at 4:00 p.m., at our new address, 5603 Bull Valley Road, McHenry.
Eat delicious latkes, made from scratch, fried up MCJC style, and heated in our new oven. Play dreidel! Light candles! Sing your favorite Chanukah songs! Create your own edible dreidel! Exchange White Elephant "gifts"!
You can bring a menorah to light, and we'll also have extra menorahs and candles. We'll have pennies for the dreidel game, but feel free to bring a bag if you save them too!
Something new for fun....we'll have a White Elephant gift exchange. Find something in your possession (don't spend any money!), that you no longer want, but think that somebody else would enjoy! Please bring it nicely wrapped to the party. Each person should bring a gift if they choose to participate, so if you're coming as a "couple", you would each bring your own gift. We'll likely do a fun swap/steal game!
Latke making volunteers are being sought to assist Dale starting around 2pm. If you able to help please contact Dale directly.

MCJC Chinese Dinner
If you're looking for a good dining, good fellowship experience, come and enjoy the 2024 MCJC Christmas Chinese Dinner.
This annual dinner is scheduled for 4:30 pm on Tuesday December 24th at The Chop Suey Hut 218 N. Throop Street in Woodstock. MCJC needs to give the restaurant a "head count" of how many people from MCJC to plan for.
Kindly RSVP to MCJC "Let's Get Together" chairperson Bruce Weiss at no later than Friday December 20th.

Charles Troy's Presentation of "The Creation of The Wizard of Oz"
In honor of the 85th anniversary of "The Wizard of Oz", acclaimed musical theater historian Charles will perform his highly entertaining and brilliantly-crafted show "The Creation of The Wizard of Oz". The presentation combines original graphics, audio tracks, video clips, and a scripted narrative. A dessert social will take place immediately following the program. The Tree of Life community will be extended an invitation to come and enjoy the day's activities.
Kindly RSVP to

MCJC Book Club
The MCJC book selection for November 7 will be On Her Own by Lihi Lapid (translated by Sondra Silverston), an Israeli bestseller by the wife of former prime minister and current opposition leader Yair Lapid. Set between the eve of Passover and Israel's Independence Day, the story centers around Nina, a teenage runaway who witnesses a murder, and ends up hiding out in the Tel Aviv apartment of Carmella, an elderly woman with dementia who mistakes Nina for her granddaughter. A propulsive page-turner, the narrative continuously shifts perspectives and also tells the story of Nina's single mother, a Russian immigrant, and Carmella's son who has moved to America, as well as other compelling secondary characters.

Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah
with CKI
Thursday, October 24, 6:30 pm
Come celebrate our yearly joy at completing the cycle of reading the Torah and starting right over again. MCJC will celebrate Simchat Torah with CKI in Elgin, 330 Division Street. For an even fuller experience there is Torah Study at 4 pm, Yizkor for Shmini Atzeret at 5:15 pm, and dinner at 5:45 pm.

Shabbat Dinner in Rabbi Gordon's Sukkah
Please join us for Shabbat dinner in Rabbi Gordon’s Sukkah. Email to RSVP and request the address.