Programs & Services
Programs & Services
MCJC offers a wide range of services and activities, including:
Shabbat and Jewish Holiday Services
Adult Education Programming
Religious School
Bar / Bat Mitzvah Program
Jewish by Choice (conversion) Program
Baby Naming Celebrations
Social Action Programs
Community and Health Support
Book Club
Please check our Calendar for Service and Programming information.
Committee Involvement
MCJC is who we are thanks to all our members. We have lots of ways for you to volunteer your time and to help build MCJC. Email office@mcjconline.org with your list of interests, or contact the committee chair directly (see below).
Board & Committee Chairs
Rabbi: Maralee Gordon
Board President: Gail Harris
Board Vice President: Linda Trachsler
Treasurer: Bruce Weiss
Secretary: Mark Goldberg
Members-at-Large: Howard Frank, Scott Schwartz, Bruce Weiss, Adam Moliwell
Enouncements/Website: Dara Turnball
Buildings & Grounds:
Membership: Bruce Weiss
Ritual: Rabbi Maralee Gordon
Social Action: Bruce Weiss
Musical Director: Alex Moliwell