High Holy Days
High Holy Day Zoom Links for ALL services can be found HERE.
In this transitional year there is no charge for High Holy Day services. Donations are always welcome.
If following along online please use this link to access our Prayer Book.
High Holy Days Schedule
Erev Rosh Hashanah – 7:30 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 inluing Shofar 9:00 AM
Tashlich 1:45 PM (approx.) at Veterans Acres 431 Walkup Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60012
9:00 a.m. – Services including Shofar
6:00 p.m. – Kol Nidre/Erev Yom Kippur Service
Yom Kippur Morning Service & Yizkor 9:00 AM
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service & Neilah 4:30 PM
Havdalah 7:00 PM
Break-the-Fast 7:15 PM
Break-the-Fast at McHenry County Jewish Congregation
This year MCJC will be hosting a potluck style Break-the-Fast. To coordinate the meal we ask you to email office@mcjconline.org with your donations and RSVPs.

A Journey to Peace 5785
Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur
A Guideline for Teshuvah
May you be sealed in the Book of Life.