McHenry County Jewish Cemetery

For Herb and Eileen Franks, Founding members of McHenry County Jewish Congregation, starting a Jewish cemetery in the county was in keeping with family tradition. Eileen's grandparents on both her mother's and father's side were instrumental in establishing Jewish cemeteries in their respective communities in Florida. In 2006, Herb and Eileen marked their 50th anniversary by announcing plans to fund a cemetery in the county through the Franks Family Foundation. They enlisted members of the McHenry County Jewish Congregation to form a committee to find a suitable site for a cemetery in the county. They found a convenient and serene setting on a hilltop at the Oakland Cemetery, a mature cemetery that dates back to 1859.

Land was purchased in 2008 and the cemetery was consecrated in July of 2009.

For more information, go to the McHenry County Jewish Cemetery Website.